
In accordance with Federal Law No. 12,846:2013, UTD SUZANO has established and maintains an integrity program that reprimands and disapproves the conduct of any employee, client, supplier, partner, representative, partner or director who, when involved with public agents or any other category, to discuss business on behalf of UTD SUZANO, request, demand, accept or receive, promise, authorize, offer or grant, directly or indirectly, payment of any nature, whether by an individual or legal entity, with the in order to obtain, in order to carry out the contractual object and/or commercial relationship of acquisition or sale of consumer goods or services, any undue advantage, financial or non-financial for UTD SUZANO, for itself or for third parties.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 12,846:2013, UTD SUZANO has established and maintains an integrity program that reprimands and disapproves the conduct of any employee, client, supplier, partner, representative, partner or director who, when involved with public agents or any other category, to discuss business on behalf of UTD SUZANO, request, demand, accept or receive, promise, authorize, offer or grant, directly or indirectly, payment of any nature, whether by an individual or legal entity, with the in order to obtain, in order to carry out the contractual object and/or commercial relationship of acquisition or sale of consumer goods or services, any undue advantage, financial or non-financial for UTD SUZANO, for itself or for third parties.